At one time ticks were uncommon in southern Ontario but now we remove them from patients almost daily in the summer months. There are 4 types of ticks in Ontario including deer ticks, the carrier of Lyme disease. Approximately 10% of the deer ticks in Ontario, and 60% of the deer ticks near the north shore of the great lakes, carry Lyme disease. Ticks are most active in the spring and fall and are a concern in southern Ontario from approximately April to December.
Fleas are common in southern Ontario in the summer months. Their numbers are greatest in the late summer and early fall, particularly in hot humid weather. Dogs that are exposed to fleas are at risk of acquiring Tapeworms.
Mosquitoes are the carrier of Heartworm disease. The incidence of Heartworm disease is low, but it is a very serious disease and difficult to treat in pets that develop it. Heartworm disease is a concern from June to October in southern Ontario.
Dog and cat roundworms present a potential health hazard to people; particularly to young children who are more likely to be exposed. For more information please follow this link to the Companion Animal Parasite Council (CAPC) www.capcvet.org.